You may have heard the old saying, "keeping up with the Joneses," well this Jones family keeps that saying relevant. Family members where in town from, Singapore, San Diego, and one very special visit home for Nathan, who is active duty in the Navy. There where also four very active generations at this photo shoot! It really is a very special occasion to have so many family members in one location. I was thinking how memorable this visit will be in years to come. Visiting great grandparents, meeting baby Eleanor for the first time, spending time with Aunt Bekah, and getting to bond in ways only long summer nights allow. There was a magic in the air as the family gathered on their family farm that runs generations back. I'm sure stories were told long into the night of past adventures, while the children developed schemes of their own. I enjoyed watching the deep connections of this family, they are playful, genuine, respectful and loving. I keep thinking of the saying, "like branches on a tree, we may grow in different directions, but our roots remain as one." Enjoy this time together Jones family!