There is something so amazing about a newborn lifestyle session. Capturing a family in their home, seeing them interacting with authenticity has a special magic unlike any other. Bringing home a baby is enchanting, the sweet baby smell, the snuggles, the pure love, it is full of delight. I'm not saying it's all easy, there are certainly difficult adjustments to be made, but it is still a time of magic when a family is together in a little cocoon learning how to adapt to new roles that a second child brings.
Photographing little Wade and his family was such an honor. I have had the privilege of photographing the Migonis on two previous occasions. This time, like before, I enjoyed every moment of being with them. This family amazes me with their quick smiles, easy connections, gentle parenting, and endless love.
When you are in someone's home, you get such a sense of what matters to them. It was clear that family is the center for Brent and Heather. They took time to nurture the new relationship between big brother Roland and baby Wade, they were sure to comfort Roland when he needed it, they snuggled their newest addition with unconditional love, they included their fur baby, Bella, in all their activities, and they still were able to laugh with each other.
I think these little boys will have such an amazing childhood filled with love, support, and a lot of fun!
"Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life."
Lisa Weedn