5 Tips to help you capture some perfect Mother's Day memories!

May 11, 2018  •  5 Comments

Mother's Day is Sunday!  If you are like me, you are eagerly awaiting all the fun activities your children are preparing.  Mother's Day is one of those days we cherish for the sentiment above all else! I love the hand made cards, the excited squeals of my children as they secretly make my gift, even the early morning wake-up call because they are just too excited to hand me my surprise, and of course the traditional breakfast in bed!!  All of these moments make Mother's Day a day I want to remember.  So, each year, my kids know that the only thing I ever really want, is a photo of us together. I like to dedicate Mother's Day as a day to get this photo for two reasons; one it's easy to remember and I have a yearly image of me and my kids that really highlights how much they have grown, and two, it's hard to say no to mom on Mother's Day! With that said, it's still not always easy to get all four of us in the frame, so I decided to share a few tips I've learned along the way to help you capture that sweet moment you are longing to cherish this Mother's Day!


This is one of my favorite things to say to my clients during a session. Everyone starts out standing near one another, but that's not enough, snuggle together, touch each other, hug, or hold hands.  Being snuggled together shows the connection between you and your loved ones, and it lets your relationship become the star of the show!  So get close, they are your babies after all after all!





If you want a happy photo, make sure you have happy kids! Sounds easy enough right? The truth is, it is not that easy to get everyone in one place smiling and looking at the camera. Trust me when I say, we all have those moments where we are screaming "just look at the camera and smile!" Well, that sort of ruins that perfect Mother's Day mood for you, so think less about the poses and more about the fun! Grab your kids and tickle them, or swing them all around. Have your son tell a joke, if it has anything to do with bodily sounds, it's sure to get a laugh! Tell them they can tackle you on the count of three.  Whatever it takes to get laughs! Just remember, happy kids= happy mom= even happier memories!


Sometimes the perfect posed photo is just not going to happen. Kids are kids after all, so think of an activity you can do that will keep the kids contained and entertained. Maybe it is playing a game of cards, swinging on a porch swing, skipping hand in hand. (Be sure you have a fast shutter speed for any activity that includes movement. If your camera has a sports mode, this would be the time to use it!)  One of my favorite things to plan, is reading together. It is a perfect choice because we all need to be snuggled up to see the pictures!  Plus, they really get involved in the book, so getting several shots is easy. 



Every mom wants a photo of herself and all of her kids. It's a great way to showcase just how your family is right now. You will notice the differences in the ages and sizes of the children.  It also shows exactly how that sibling dynamic looks today! So snuggle them all up, see tip one is really important, and get the group shot! Don't stop there, because, it is equally as important to capture a photo of you and each child individually! This will highlight that special and unique bond you have with each child. Everyone loves a little one on one time with mom! I'm sure these photos will be very treasured in years to come!


Sometimes we get so caught up in the day to day business of mothering, that we forget to get new photos of ourselves with our own mom.  Just as you love having a photo with your kids, your mom loves having a photo with you! If you're lucky enough to have several generations gathered together, grab a photo! We often forget to include some of the people who mean the most to us in our photos. Mother's Day is a day you may have a large family gathering, so get your siblings gathered up after brunch and snap one for mom! This will be the best gift you can give her and yourself in years to come!

This year, just remember to get a least one photo that includes you! You can hand the camera off to your spouse, a random stranger, or set the timer for a few self portraits. My preferred method of portraits with my kids is to use the interval timer and put my camera on a tripod, but I've used a napkin holder as a tripod in a pinch! One last bit of advice, bribery is okay if that's what it takes to get a picture! I find ice cream works perfectly for my kids, but pick your pleasure! 

I hope you all have a wonderful Mother's Day!




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all have those moments where we are screaming "just look at the camera and smile!" Well, that sort of ruins that perfect Mother's Day mood for you, so think less about the poses and more about the fun! Grab your kids and tickle them, or swing them all around. Have your son tell a joke, if it has anything to do with b
These are great tips! I can’t wait to try them!
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